Thursday, December 3, 2009

Where Obama and republicans agree.

President Obama will finally have a bipartisan piece of legislation passed through Congress because opposition to the troop surge he proposes in Afghanistan is so strong within his own party. "The president is going to have to count on getting almost all Republicans to support this funding, because he's unlikely to get more than half the Democrats, especially in the House," notes George Stephanopoulos of ABC News. Make no mistake about how badly the Afghan decision is playing among media allies and grassroots supporters of the president. Several highlighted the contradiction between Mr. Obama announcing the sending of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan and also insisting he will begin to pull them out in 2011. "Where's the hope? . . . It sounds more Rube Goldberg than 'Remember the Alamo,'" was the reaction of MSNBC host Chris Matthews last night. "If I were with the Taliban right now, I'd put a little Post-it up on that month in 2011, and say: 'This is when we do OUR surge.'"...Link

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