Sunday, January 25, 2009

Arctic trek to find true extent of melting caps...


Google and its agenda in Washington........

Reporting from Washington -- Another inauguration took place in Washington this week -- Google Inc. officially became a political power player.In October, Google was only hours from being sued by the Justice Department as a Web-search monopolist. Today, less than three years after it made its first Washington hire, the Internet giant is poised to capitalize on its backing of President Obama and pursue its agenda in the nation's capital....Link

2 flips.....1 snowmobile.............


America on Inauguration Day: Panoramic Photo.

The image was made by a special panoramic camera using a vertically oriented linear digital sensor array that scans the scene horizontally, much like the linear sensor in a Xerox copier or a desktop flatbed scanner. Check out all the familiar faces in the crowd, especially behind Obama. I think a few of them are asleep....Link

Why the Gitmo policies may not change........

There may be less than meets the eye to the executive orders President Obama issued yesterday to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay and prohibit the torture of prisoners in American custody. Those pronouncements may sound dramatic and unequivocal, but experts predict that American policy towards detainees could remain for months or even years pretty close to what it was as President Bush left office....Link