Thursday, September 3, 2009

Guess what it ended up on youtube............

87 percent believe economy in recession...

Almost nine in 10 Americans believe the US economy is still mired in recession, a new CNN poll released Thursday found. Fully 87 percent of those questioned in the CNN survey said they believe the United States was in a serious, moderate or mild recession. Public perceptions about the economy's wellbeing are very important, particularly in the United States where two-thirds of economic activity is consumer spending...Link

Gonzales ‘flip-flops’ yet again...................

John Dean believes Ridge was ‘pressured’ to back down on threat alert claims. Either former Bush officials are being pressured to backtrack, or recent flip-flops are just more evidence that they had no convictions in the first place. In a story entitled Gonzales backtracks on support for CIA probe, The Washington Times‘ Ben Conery reports, “Former Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said Thursday that his previous assertion that it was ‘legitimate to question and examine’ charges of CIA abuses of suspected terrorists did not mean he endorsed such an investigation.”...Link

Oderus Urungus on Fox News..............

Kentucky fight....Link

Rising Taxes Drive Out Residents..........

There are many things public officials probably shouldn't do during a severe recession, but no one seems to have told the leaders in Florida about them. One thing, for instance, would be giving a dozen top aides hefty raises while urging a rise in property taxes, as the mayor of Miami-Dade County recently did. Or jacking up already exorbitant hurricane-insurance premiums, as Florida's government-run property insurer just did. Or sending an army of highly paid lobbyists to push for a steep hike in electricity rates, as South Florida's public utility is doing...Link