Tuesday, December 23, 2008

She wants more power................

Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to build a more muscular US State Department, with a bigger budget, high-profile special envoys dispatched to trouble spots and an expanded role in dealing with the global economic crisis, the New York Times reported Tuesday...Link

Bees on cocaine......................

They are highly social, adhere to a rigid class system and are intensely house-proud. And now it emerges that bees resemble human beings in one more, previously overlooked, respect: they behave just like us under the influence of cocaine.....Link

Batman is sensitive about Christmas...........

Associated Press 2008 moments..................


So bad it is good.........................

Ron Paul on FOX .....12-22-08..............


Rice 'showered' in jewelery by Arab leaders...

In spite of America's intense unpopularity in the Middle East, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice received nearly a quarter of a million dollars in gifts from Arab leaders in 2007, according to a recent report....Link



Intros of EVERY Marvel Comics TV Series!......


mmmmmm bacon....................

Holy sh*t that was close...................