Thursday, February 5, 2009

What Is Congress Stimulating?...............

Contrary to conventional Beltway wisdom, the House Republicans' zero votes for the Obama presidency's stimulus "package" is looking like the luckiest thing to happen to the GOP's political fortunes since Ronald Reagan switched parties. If the GOP line holds, the party could win back much of the goodwill it dissipated with its big-government adventures the past eight years. For starters, notwithstanding the new president's high approval rating, his stimulus bill (ghost-written by Nancy Pelosi) has been losing altitude with public opinion by the day. People are nervous. Then after Tim Geithner scampered through the tax minefield and into a Cabinet seat, the Daschle tax bomb went off, laying open for public view the world of Washington's pay-for-favors that makes the average Wall Street banker look like Little Bo-Peep...Link

DEA continues pot raids, Obama opposes....

Drug Enforcement Administration agents this week raided four medical marijuana shops in California, contrary to President Obama's campaign promises to stop the raids.
DEA Acting Administrator Michele Leonhart. The White House said it expects those kinds of raids to end once Mr. Obama nominates someone to take charge of DEA, which is still run by Bush administration holdovers. “The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws, and as he continues to appoint senior leadership to fill out the ranks of the federal government, he expects them to review their policies with that in mind," White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said...Link

WHEN EAGLES FLOCK...............

Apparently several U.S. States have taken the first steps to claim sovereignty under the United States Constitution 10th Amendment. You may not have seen or heard about this from the Main Stream Media, but the ripple is as real as a sunrise. Arizona, New Hampshire, Missouri, and Washington state are in various stages of legislatively declaring their sovereignty. Several states are giving notice the Federal Government should actually abide by the terms enumerated in the U.S. Constitution. They probably won’t succeed any more than Ron Paul did, but both the states rights movement and the Ron Paul reality are seeds that have been planted…and require attention and nurturing....Link


Several states have recently appealed to the 10th and/or the 9th Amendments to assert their state rights over federal government. These amendments state:...Link

Peter Schiff on CNBC....2-3-2009........

Dr. Paul introduces HR 833..............

The Ron Paul movement swept the nation in 2007 and 2008 leaving a trail of well informed citizens in its wake. We all worked hard for the campaign, whether you stood on an over pass with a sign, handed out literature or screamed at the top of your lungs. The campaign did well. 1.2 million votes for the Good Doctor. We all received a taste of what it feels like to become true activists for a true cause.

The Good Doctor needs your help again.

Dr. Ron Paul has introduced HR 833 into congress entitled: To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes....Link

John Stossel: The interview.....

Part 1
Part 2

A Remote Town in Greenland........


One big snake.....................

Named Titanoboa cerrejonensis by its discoverers, the size of the snake's vertebrae suggest it weighed 1140 kg (2,500 pounds) and measured 13 metres (42.7 feet) nose to tail tip. A report describing the find appears in this week's Nature. Dr's Jason Head and David Polly carried out much of the quantitative work behind the discovery whilst working in the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary, University of London; they identified the position of the fossil vertebrae which made a size estimate possible. Now based at the University of Indiana, Polly explains: "At its greatest width, the snake would have come up to about your hips. The size is pretty amazing. But our team went a step further and asked, how warm would the Earth have to be to support a body of this size?"...Link

Top 10 Celebrity Meltdowns..........


Oldest Animal Fossils Discovered......

Fossil traces found in an oil field on the Arabian Peninsula are the oldest evidence yet of animals, pushing back the known origins of higher life to more than 635 million years ago. The animals' remains don't look like traditional fossils. They're more like fossil echoes: chemical traces of a compound only produced — at least in modern times — by demosponges, descendants of what some scientists consider to be the last common ancestor of all animals. "It is, definitively, the earliest evidence for animals," said geochemist Gordon Love of the University of California, Riverside, lead author of the study published Wednesday in Nature...Link