Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sue TSA over ‘illegal’ detention...............

The American Civil Liberties Union may have just earned itself a few more Republican admirers. Announcing a lawsuit against the Transportation Security Administration for the “illegal” detention of the Campaign for Liberty’s treasurer in April at a St. Louis airport, the ACLU damned what it called a “troubling pattern” of aggressive invasions of privacy by the TSA...Link

Congress approves $106 bln for wars.........

US lawmakers late Thursday sent President Barack Obama a 106-billion-dollar emergency bill to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, fight swine flu, aid Pakistan and boost IMF loans to poor nations. The Senate voted 91-5 for compromise legislation that cleared the House of Representatives by a 226-202 margin on Tuesday. The measure will fund US efforts in both conflicts until fiscal year 2010 begins on October 1, at a time when Obama has charted a course for withdrawal from Iraq and an escalation in Afghanistan...Link

Insurance sucks..........................

As the federal government debates health care reform, the health insurance industry has some news for us. They're not going to stop canceling people's policies after they get sick. Nope. No way...Link

Diablo coming.

Obama's Plan Falls Flat With Economists.....

President Obama said he was looking for a "careful balance" when sketching his blueprint to stabilize the nation's financial sector and wring from the system the kind of risky practices that propelled the country into economic turmoil. But in seeking that balance — and bowing to political realities on Capitol Hill — the president may have boxed himself in with a mixed-bag proposal that has managed to disappoint economists and financial experts across the spectrum...Link

Iran opposition defiant..................

Iran’s opposition held another rally and stepped up its challenge to the Islamic regime on Wednesday as the authorities intensified a crackdown on the media to try to contain the biggest crisis since the 1979 revolution...Link
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George Foreman knocked down Joe Frazier six times in two rounds during this 1973 beatdown....He just kept getting up.