Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Toxin From Biotech Corn Detected in U.S....

Sept. 28 (Bloomberg) -- An insecticide produced by genetically modified corn was found in streams in the U.S. Midwest, according to research by the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies.Link

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Obama administration's war on privacy.

In early August, two dictatorial (and U.S.-allied) Gulf states -- Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- announced a ban on the use of Blackberries because, as the BBC put it, "[b]oth nations are unhappy that they are unable to monitor such communications via the handsets." Those two governments demand the power to intercept and monitor every single form of communication. No human interaction may take place beyond their prying ears. Since Blackberry communication data are sent directly to servers in Canada and the company which operates Blackberry -- Research in Motion -- refused to turn the data over to those governments, "authorities [] decided to ban Blackberry services rather than continue to allow an uncontrolled and unmonitored flow of electronic information within their borders." That's the core mindset of the Omnipotent Surveillance State: above all else, what is strictly prohibited is the ability of citizens to communicate in private; we can't have any "uncontrolled and unmonitored flow of electronic information.".Link

Drones Target Terror Plot.

WASHINGTON—In an effort to foil a suspected terrorist plot against European targets, the Central Intelligence Agency has ramped up missile strikes against militants in Pakistan's tribal regions, current and former officials say. The strikes, launched from unmanned drone aircraft, represent a rare use of the CIA's drone campaign to preempt a possible attack on the West. The terror plot, which officials have been tracking for weeks, is believed to target multiple countries, including the U.K., France, and Germany, these officials said. The exact nature of the plot or plots couldn't be learned immediately, and counterterrorism officials in the U.S., Pakistan and Europe are continuing to investigate. There have, however, been multiple terror warnings in recent days in France, Germany and the U.K.Link

Shut Down the Fed.

I apologise to readers around the world for having defended the emergency stimulus policies of the US Federal Reserve, and for arguing like an imbecile naif that the Fed would not succumb to drug addiction, political abuse, and mad intoxicated debauchery, once it began taking its first shots of quantitative easing. My pathetic assumption was that Ben Bernanke would deploy further QE only to stave off DEFLATION, not to create INFLATION. If the Federal Open Market Committee cannot see the difference, God help America. We now learn from last week’s minutes that the Fed is willing “to provide additional accommodation if needed to … return inflation, over time, to levels consistent with its mandate.” NO, NO, NO, this cannot possibly be true.Link

After committing to ‘Net Neutrality’.

Legislative text put forward by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) under the banner of mandating network neutrality would instead prevent the government from requiring broadband providers to treat all Internet traffic equally.Link

Saturday, September 25, 2010

‘State secrets’ invoked.

In a last-ditch effort to get a terrorism lawsuit dismissed, the Obama administration invoked a claim of "state secrets" on Friday, arguing that revealing details about efforts to capture or kill an American citizen charged with leading a terrorist group would endanger national security.Link

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Privacy Does Not Exist in ‘Public Places.

The Obama administration has urged a federal appeals court to allow the government, without a court warrant, to affix GPS devices on suspects’ vehicles to track their every move. The Justice Department is demanding a federal appeals court rehear a case in which it reversed the conviction and life sentence of a cocaine dealer whose vehicle was tracked via GPS for a month, without a court warrant. The authorities then obtained warrants to search and find drugs in the locations where defendant Antoine Jones had travelled. The administration, in urging the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to reverse a three-judge panel’s August ruling from the same court, said Monday that Americans should expect no privacy while in public. “The panel’s conclusion that Jones had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the public movements of his Jeep rested on the premise that an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy in the totality of his or her movements in public places, ” Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Smith wrote the court in a petition for rehearing.Link

The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen on Vimeo.

Lindsey Graham is an ass.

WASHINGTON — Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said Monday that the United States must be prepared to use military force to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon — and added that the last-resort step should be taken with the goal of overthrowing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Graham, a military lawyer and a senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, became the first senator to support direct U.S. military intervention in Iran, saying it should not involve ground troops but be launched by U.S. warplanes and ships. "If you use military force against Iran, you've opened up Pandora's box," Graham told the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. "If you allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon, you've emptied Pandora's box. I'd rather open up Pandora's box than empty it.".Link

FDA won’t allow food to be labeled free of...

That the Food and Drug Administration is opposed to labeling foods that are genetically modified is no surprise anymore, but a report in the Washington Post indicates the FDA won't even allow food producers to label their foods as being free of genetic modification. In reporting that the FDA will likely not require the labeling of genetically modified salmon if it approves the food product for consumption, the Post's Lyndsey Layton notes that the federal agency "won't let conventional food makers trumpet the fact that their products don't contain genetically modified ingredients.".Link

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Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm willing to cut military spending.

To cut spending we would have to cut veterans benefits, medicare or social security benefits. Ridiculous........Notice how military spending isn't even a option.

Defended his economic program.

President Barack Obama defended his economic program in starkly personal terms Monday after coming face-to-face with supporters who said, bluntly, that he had let them down. The first two questioners from the audience at a live CNBC town hall meeting both expressed a sense of personal disappointment with Obama, with one man asking, “Is the American Dream dead?” And CNBC’s moderator John Harwood asked Obama whether his elite education, personal style and “racial heritage” might make it hard for average Americans to believe that he is feeling their suffering. “I think when unemployment is high and people are having a tough time it doesn’t matter if I was green, it doesn’t matter if I was purple, people would still be frustrated and understandably so,” Obama said. “The whole reason I ran was because my life is a testament to the American dream.”.Link

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Elizabeth Warren Appointment is Outrageous.

LAKE JACKSON, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Congressman Ron Paul, a senior member of the Financial Services Committee and recognized national leader on monetary policy, today issued the following statement criticizing the shadow appointment of Elizabeth Warren to form the new Consumer Financial Protection bureau under the auspices of the Federal Reserve.Link

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thanks Harry.........

Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he will add the DREAM Act, a controversial immigration measure, to a defense policy bill the Senate will take up next week. The decision means the defense bill, which often passes with bipartisan support, will be home to two major, thorny political issues – the other being the repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Reid called the DREAM Act "really important" and said it should be passed because it provides a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants who go to college or serve in the military. DREAM is an acronym for Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act.Link

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Pure Class.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Feds Don't Publicize.

Federal raids of medical marijuana dispensaries in Southern California, Nevada and elsewhere haven't ceased just because the administration of President Obama ordered federal authorities to stand down. No, they've continued, only they've done so without the kind of press releases and press conferences that were a hall mark of the Bush years. That's according to the Daily Caller, which takes a look at how recent pot-shop raids in states where medical marijuana is legal -- against an Obama directive issued last October -- have been lacking in U.S. Justice Department publicity. The most recent federal raids happened in Las Vegas last week.Link

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rebranded as Corn Sugar.

The good news: Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup is at a 20-year low. The bad news: The folks who make this insidious sweetener aim to rebrand it to boost sales. High-fructose corn syrup is cheaper than cane sugar and acts as a food preservative, too, so the food industry loves the stuff. But it's been added to so many foods — yogurt, cereal, bread, drinks and even condiments — that researchers have fingered it as a culprit in the obesity epidemic.Link

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fear and Loathing in America.


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The Frankenfish.

When the FDA announced it found the genetically engineered AquAdvantage salmon safe just before Labor Day, news headlines and even Alaska Senator Mark Begich called it a "frankenfish.".Link

Advanced military aircraft to Saudi Arabia.

US President Barack Obama's administration will soon notify Congress of plans to offer advanced military aircraft to Saudi Arabia in a deal worth up to 60 billion dollars, congressional sources said Monday. The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the transaction has not yet been formally announced, confirmed a Wall Street Journal report about the deal but warned that key US lawmakers would block the move. "You can fully expect that a hold will be placed on this deal," thought to be the largest ever arms sale of its kind, said a senior congressional source. "There is serious concern about some sensitive material which is expected to be included in the deal," said another source, who told AFP that Obama aides would brief congressional staff on the deal on Monday.Link


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Few See Terrorism as Top U.S. Problem.

PRINCETON, NJ -- Nine years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, 1% of Americans mention terrorism as the most important problem facing the country, down from 46% just after the attacks. Just before the attacks, in a Gallup poll conducted Sept. 7-10, 2001, less than one-half of 1% of Americans mentioned terrorism as the nation's most important problem. One month later, in October 2001, 46% named terrorism, the highest in Gallup's history. From that point on, terrorism slowly faded as a response to this question. At the one-year anniversary of the attacks, in September 2002, 19% of Americans mentioned terrorism as the country's top problem, already eclipsed by the economy at the top of the list. By the five-year anniversary of the attacks in September 2006, 11% of Americans mentioned terrorism. Terrorism continued to drop from that point, albeit with an uptick to 8% mentions in January of this year, reflecting the widespread news coverage of the "Christmas Day bomber" who allegedly attempted to detonate explosives on a Northwest Airlines plane headed for Detroit.Link

Doomsday warnings.

Economists peddling dire warnings that the world's number one economy is on the brink of collapse, amid high rates of unemployment and a spiraling public deficit, are flourishing here. The guru of this doomsday line of thinking may be economist Nouriel Roubini, thrust into the forefront after predicting the chaos wrought by the subprime mortgage crisis and the collapse of the housing bubble. "The US has run out of bullets," Roubini told an economic forum in Italy earlier this month. "Any shock at this point can tip you back into recession.".Link

‘Biggest leak of military intelligence ever’

Whistleblower website WikiLeaks is teaming up with news outlets to release a "massive cache" of classified US military field reports on the conflict in Iraq, Newsweek magazine reported recently. Newsweek quoted Iain Overton, editor of The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a London-based journalism nonprofit, as saying the material constitutes the "biggest leak of military intelligence" ever. Newsweek said the stash of Iraq documents held by WikiLeaks is believed to be about three times as large as the number of US military field reports on Afghanistan released earlier this year by WikiLeaks.Link

FDA Has Gone Nuts.

Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. Hippocrates. Since food is medicine, and medicine is food, the Food and Drug Administration, an agency of Health and Human Services, is requiring that claims of food health benefits by sellers, must have federal licensing and scientific proof of such claims. This is to harmonize with Codex Alimentarius, global food and drug control standards.Link

White House aides owe the IRS $831,000.

Over the years a lot of suspicion has built up across the country about Washington and its population of opportunistic transients coming to see themselves as a special kind of person, somehow above average working Americans who don't labor down in that monument-strewn former swamp.Link

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

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What Ever Happened to Obama's Army?

What happened to Barack Obama's once vaunted political machine? The outfit that put upwards of 8 million volunteers on the street in 2008 — known as Organizing for America — is a ghost of its former self. Its staff has shrunk from 6,000 to 300, and its donors are depressed: receipts are a fraction of what they were in 2008. Virtually no one in politics believes it will turn many contests this fall. "There's no chance that OFA is going to have the slightest impact on the midterms," says Charlie Cook, who tracks congressional races.Link

Types of Taxes.............

Sales Tax
Hotel Tax
School Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Tax
Excise Taxes
Property Tax
Cigarette Tax
Medicare Tax
Inventory Tax
Car Rental Tax
Real Estate Tax
Well Permit Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Inheritance Tax
Road Usage Tax
CDL license Tax
Dog License Tax
State Income Tax
Food License Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Social Security Tax
Service Charge Tax
Fishing License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Building Permit Tax
IRS Interest Charges
Hunting License Tax
Marriage License Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Personal Property Tax
Accounts Receivable Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service FeeTax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Utility Taxes Vehicle License Registration Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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“The Real Provocateurs”

LAKE JACKSON, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Congressman Ron Paul today issued the following statement about a Florida pastor's plan to ban copies of the Quran on the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. “A professed Christian pastor in Gainesville, Florida, Terry Jones, plans to burn copies of the Quran on 9/11. He indicts all Islam for 9/11 and argues that it is a hate-driven religion. He’s convinced he’s on God’s side even though he is getting little support from other Christians, who believe that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. “General David Petraeus, our military commander in Afghanistan, strongly condemned Mr. Jones’ plan, arguing it would be provocative, make his fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan more difficult and further jeopardize the lives of American soldiers.Link

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Obama gets mixed report card.

Barack Obama took office with a pledge of "unprecedented level of openness" in government -- a pledge that his critics on both the left and right have accused him of abandoning. His decision to oppose the release of photos of Iraqi and Afghan detainees being abused by American troops, his insistence that White House visitor logs are exempt from mandatory release under the Freedom of Information Act, and the Justice Department's invocation of the state secrets privilege in cases involving alleged CIA torture have all tended to undercut Obama's pledge, which he expressed in a memo to government employees when he took office.Link

Obama Is Embracing Abusive Bush Policies.

For disillusioned Obama supporters, the ACLU's July report "Establishing the New Normal" is not a heartening read. After being voted into office on promises that included undoing abuses carried out under the Bush administration - promises to protect privacy, to end government-sanctioned torture and rendition programs and to end the use of military commissions for non-enemy combatants - President Obama's administration is proving it is far easier to tow the line than buck a trend.Link

Monday, September 6, 2010

US joins Baghdad battle.

BAGHDAD – Days after the U.S. officially ended combat operations and touted Iraq's ability to defend itself, American troops found themselves battling heavily armed militants assaulting an Iraqi military headquarters in the center of Baghdad on Sunday. The fighting killed 12 people and wounded dozens.Link

Saturday, September 4, 2010

This Sucks........RIP Mr. Schimmel.

Some sad news in the world of comedy tonight. The hilarious and popular Robert Schimmel died tonight at the age of 60. On August 26, Schimmel was in a serious car accident in Arizona. His 19-year-old daughter was driving the vehicle, with Schimmel in the passenger seat and his 11-year-old son in the back seat. His daughter quickly swerved to avoid a collision and the vehicle ended up rolling over on the side of the freeway. His daughter was later listed in stable condition and Schimmel’s son was released from the hospital unharmed. Schimmel, sadly, was listed in “very serious” condition at first, and ultimately died as a result of his injuries earlier tonight.Link

Friday, September 3, 2010

God did not create the universe.

LONDON (Reuters) – God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book. In "The Grand Design," co-authored with U.S. physicist Leonard Mlodinow, Hawking says a new series of theories made a creator of the universe redundant, according to the Times newspaper which published extracts on Thursday. "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," Hawking writes.Link

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Karzai urges Afghans not to panic.

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - As depositors thronged branches of Afghanistan's biggest bank, President Hamid Karzai told Afghans on Thursday not to panic shortly after his brother, a major shareholder in the beleaguered Kabul Bank, called for intervention by the United States to head off a financial meltdown.Link

Shut down banks.

WASHINGTON – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a panel investigating the financial crisis that regulators must be ready to shutter the largest institutions if they threaten to bring down the financial system. "If the crisis has a single lesson, it is that the too-big-to-fail problem must be solved," Bernanke said Thursday while testifying before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. Bernanke also said it was impossible for the Fed to rescue Lehman Brothers from bankruptcy in 2008 because the Wall Street firm lacked sufficient collateral to secure a loan. Lehman's former chief executive told the panel a day earlier that the firm could have been saved, but regulators refused to provide help.Link