Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Net Neutrality: Follow the Money...........

It’s been framed as a fight for freedom but Net Neutrality is really a battle of business models. The outcome will almost certainly affect We The People’s wallets or/and Internet experience so we’d best keep a wary eye on everyone who is trying to “help” us. The latest skirmish began last Thursday when the Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to begin work on formalizing a set of rules that would, among other things, bar (PDF link) Internet service providers from blocking legal content or altering the delivery speed of content based on who owns it, who created it or who wants to access it. The FCC has stated that Thursday’s vote simply opens the subject for official discussion, with the goal of codifying principles that have been applied on a case by case basis over recent years. Many, many months of discussion are expected before anything becomes law. But the battle lines have been drawn...Link

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