Sunday, March 8, 2009

America: an apathetic union?

On Tuesday night former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor appeared on Comedy Central's "The Today Show with Jon Stewart," to discuss her recent work. Since leaving the Supreme Court in 2006, O'Connor has dedicated her time to encouraging American youths to study civics. But it was about a minute and a half into the interview that O'Connor revealed the scary state of apathy that currently plagues our nation. "I thought that perhaps a lot of Americans had stopped understanding the three branches of government," the 78-year-old former justice told Stewart. "Actually, the Annenberg Foundation took some polls: only a third of Americans can even name the three branches of government, much less say what they do." One-third, that is roughly 103 million of 305 million Americans that can simply name the three branches of government: judicial, legislative and executive for those of you keeping score.
The Colonnade staff is shocked....Link

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