Last week the Wall Street Journal sent a message that many of you needed to hear about ten years ago. They identified that student loan debt has officially surpassed credit card debt and now totals some $830 billion. It seems like irresponsibility has jumped the track and now resides in the classroom. This is reckless spending in the name of education. I’ve often been accused of not sugarcoating my financial opinions and this will be no different. Here’s why I’m often the most unpopular guy in the room. Buckle up. Tuition is a product, plain and simple. And just like any other product you have to be responsible with your choices. Do you buy a Mercedes Benz when you can only afford a Hyundai? Do you buy a $1,000,000 home when you can only afford a $150,000 townhouse? Then why in the world would you ever let your 18-year-old kid, who is no longer allowed to get a measly credit card on their own, to walk blindly down the path of financial suicide just to go to an expensive school?.