Friday, October 16, 2009

The annual budget deficit reached $1.4 trillion.

WASHINGTON – The federal government's budget gap is huge — but by some measures, it's been bigger in the past. The annual budget deficit reached $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2009, the Obama administration said Friday, a record sum by far in dollar terms. It's the result of both a huge jump in spending and a sharp drop in tax revenue. In effect, the federal government went on a spending binge at the same time it received a sharp pay cut. And if, like an overextended consumer, Washington doesn't mend its ways, it will pay more and more in interest. Interest payments could balloon to $799 billion in 2019 from $191 billion in 2009, according to an estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office...Link

US pays $400 per gallon for gas in Afghanistan.

Last year, the price of gasoline in the United States topped the $4 per gallon mark. This year in Afghanistan, the price has topped $400. The stunning revelation emerged Thursday in a report from the Pentagon to House officials. The information conveyed offers new insight into a recent report by the Congressional Research Service, which found that the US spends $1 million per year for each servicemember on the ground in Afghanistan...Link

Rand Paul Outraises Grayson.........

Despite the fact that he’s not the establishment choice in Kentucky’s GOP Senate primary, anti-tax activist Rand Paul outraised Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson by more than $350,000 during the third quarter. Grayson announced Thursday that he brought in about $643,000 from July through September and ended the quarter with $1.1 million cash on hand...Link

Holy Shit this is nuts.......

Butter's Bottom Bitch.


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