Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bush Was a Big-Government Disaster........

Now that George W. Bush has finally left office, here's a challenge to a nation famous for its proud tradition of invention: Can somebody invent a machine capable of fully measuring the disaster that was the Bush presidency?....Link

A Piano gets eaten.....................

Dennis Kucinich talks about the FED.........

Ron Paul CNN American Morning..................

Ron Paul on Morning Joe.....................

10 best songs from Dr. Demento......


Beatles Cartoon - Taxman............


It is hard to believe, but a majority of Americans (including Christians and conservatives) seem oblivious to the fact that there is a very real, very legitimate New World Order (NWO) unfolding. In the face of overwhelming evidence, most Americans not only seem totally unaware of this reality, they seem unwilling to even remotely entertain the notion....Link

You can help End the Fed..........

End the Fed is trying to get a million signatures for Ron Paul's "Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank Act" that he is going to reintroduce this April. End the Fed wants everyone to help gather signatures. This is not an electronic petition - there is a printable brochure and petition to hand to people on the End The Fed site. Come on Folks we can do this. Let's show DC that not all of the American people have been dumbed down by the media.....link

There is already enough evidence..........

Monday, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak told CNN's Rick Sanchez that the US has an "obligation" to investigate whether Bush administration officials ordered torture, adding that he believes that there is already enough evidence to prosecute former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld...Link

House Judiciary Chairman subpoenas Rove...

Invoking President Barack Obama, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) has subpoenaed former Bush Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove about his alleged involved in the political prosecution of an Alabama governor and the firings of nine US Attorneys....Link