Monday, July 20, 2009

A still-energized grassroots movement...

Soon after he returned to the House after his presidential bid ended last year, lawmakers approached Ron Paul (R-Texas) with the same question. “How in the world did you raise all that money?” Paul laughed while recounting the story during an interview with The Hill. He said members told him, “You raised $7 million and you didn’t even ask for it.” “They wanted me to teach them how,” the 73-year-old lawmaker said. A year and a half after his White House bid sparked fevered devotion, Paul doesn’t know what the next step is for the movement he helped build...Link

Replacing the Dollar...............

China's swipes at the U.S. dollar have been spilling out of Beijing with almost mundane regularity. Every time there is an international economic summit, it seems that some Chinese mandarin reiterates the now familiar complaint that the greenback needs to be replaced as the world's de facto reserve currency. China usually suggests some "supranational" currency as a dollar substitute, to protect it against instability that could arise from any one country's errant economic policies. A favorite suggestion is the use of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), the unit of account at the International Monetary Fund.Link

Dick may get probed.........

Vice President Dick Cheney isn’t out of the reeds just yet. In a little noticed statement Friday, the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Intelligence and Investigations announced they will begin a full investigation into charges that the CIA misled congress about a covert spy operation that had been going on for nearly 8 years before it was canceled by CIA Director Leon Panetta last month. “The House Intelligence Committee will move forward with a full investigation that will explore certain CIA programs and the core issue of how the committee is kept informed,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), the committee’s chairwoman, said in a statement late Friday...Link

Tonights cover is..........

Washington doesn't feel the pinch......

The rest of the country has a new reason to hate the inside-the-Beltway crowd: Our economy is better than yours. At 6.2 percent, the unemployment rate in the D.C. metro region is lower than in any other major metropolitan area in the country — and far below the 9.5 percent national average. Members of Congress from harder-hit areas can’t help but notice the divide between the relative health of their part-time city and the pain back home. And it particularly rankles conservatives who’ve argued for a smaller federal government but now see it making up one-third of the region’s economy...Link

At least 16 killed in Afghan helicopter crash.

At least 16 civilians were killed on Sunday when a helicopter crashed near a military base in southern Afghanistan, the NATO-led force said, in the second fatal chopper crash here in a week...Link

Threatened to quit over waterboarding.

Two of the key designers of the Bush administration’s torture program ended up in a “tug of war” with their superiors about how far to go when coercing information out of suspects, says a new article in the Washington Post...Link