Monday, September 7, 2009

Money bomb for Randy Brogdon......


New global currency.............

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development said in a report published Monday that the U.S. dollar should be replaced as the world’s standard reserve currency, giving rise to a new global currency managed by an as-yet undetermined financial regulatory organization. Heiner Flassbeck, director of the conference, told Bloomberg News that changes needed in the world’s financial systems rival the scope of the Bretton Woods or European Monetary System agreements...Link

Tom has no car......


Moving away from dollar....

The Chinese are becoming increasingly wary of the growing supply of U.S. dollars, leading the head of the nation’s green energy initiatives to signal a move away from dollar reserves and toward, gold, euros and yen, according to a published report...Link

10 Questions........

The Texas Congressman has run for President twice: once as a Republican and once as a Libertarian. In his three decades in public office, he has campaigned tirelessly for the principles of limited government, low taxes and free markets. His latest book, End the Fed, which continues his quest to shut down the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard, goes on sale Sept. 16. Submit your questions for Ron Paul below, then read the interview in an upcoming issue of TIME magazine...Link