Monday, July 26, 2010


Evidence of War Crimes in Afghan Docs.

(CBS/AP) WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Monday he believes there is evidence of war crimes in the thousands of pages of leaked U.S. military documents relating to the war in Afghanistan. The remarks came after WikiLeaks, a whistle-blowing group, posted some 91,000 classified U.S. military records over the past six years about the war online, including unreported incidents of Afghan civilian killings and covert operations against Taliban figures. The White House, Britain and Pakistan have all condemned the release of the documents, one of the largest unauthorized disclosures in military history.Link
"Every man got to legalize it, and don't criticize it," Reggae legend Peter Tosh sang in 1976. While US support for marijuana legalization may never hit the "every man" level -- at least not publicly, that is -- two recent national polls definitely show that it is growing higher and higher. "Americans are evenly divided over whether marijuana should be legalized in the United States, but most expect it to happen within the next decade," a Rasmussen Reports press release states.Link